Sunday, September 21, 2008

Missions and Windows

Matt got to ride in a helicopter yesterday. They had to do some kind of mission which involved spending most of the day circling the island in a black hawk. Of course i spent the whole day worried that he would crash. However, he came home safe, looking like a kid in a candy store. He had a blast. He also informed me that he got "blown up" by a fake bomb, which is why he came home covered in baby powder. He was supposed to have to work from 9pm to 9am after spending all day on his mission, but his supervisor was nice enough to let him take the night off.

I have also come to the conclusion that my house is not safe, which is why i lock myself in my room when matt leaves for work and only come out to go to the bathroom (since he works 12 hour shifts, my inability to go downstars alone leaves me starving by the time he gets home in the morning).

Why is my house unsafe, you ask. Many of you may not know, but most houses in Hawaii do not have central air conditiong. Since the trade winds blow pretty strong most of the time, some genius (and i use that term loosly) decided to put windows made out of slats of glass in the houses so they can be twisted open and air flows through the house. I guess in theory it was a good idea...except the slats come out. Yes, you can stand outside and literally take my windows apart.

I decided to remedy this problem by closing the windows...which didnt work because the slats still come out when the window is closed. Now, i dont really think someone is going to go through the trouble of taking out 20 slats of glass so they can climb though my window, but these slats of glass are also on the back door. Remove one slat of glass and you can reach through and unlock the door.

I realize i am being paranoid (im on an army base, how much safer can you get?)...but my windows come apart!!


Amy Gage said...

Your page is really cute! i am going to pray for your fear to go away and that God will keep you safe!!!

Kimberly said...

Matt had called on his way home he was talking 90 to nothing he really seemed to enjoy his helicopter ride(missions). I too will pray for you to feel safe while he is gone.