Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Sweet Tea Blues

The only thing i have consistently craved throughout my pregnancy has beeen sweet tea. And of course here in Hawaii they dont believe in sweet tea. Theres mango tea, or rasberry tea, but no tea with just plain sugar. Yeah sure i can make it myself but then i have to wait for it to make, and then wait for it to get cold (because i HATE it when tea melts the ice). I miss just being able to drive through somewhere and get some sweet tea. I guess i will have to resort to making it myself and waiting. I bet we have used 2972358 pounds of sugar in the last 8 months.

Im pretty sure the really not fun part of the pregnancy has started. My back hurts, my hips hurt, i cant sleep, im tired all the time and dont even get me started on the mood swings! Poor matt. He gets up at 5am and goes to PT and then to work and then to PT again, and then he comes home and does the housework that i didnt do because i was too tired...all while walking on pins and needles, never knowing when im going to start yelling at him for no reason. He never complains or anything. He just apologizes and tries not to laugh. I can truly say that i am blessed with an amazing husband. And i owe him big time once this pregnancy is over!


The Mathis Crew said... are at the "worst" part of the pregnacy..well in my opinion. Hang in dont have much longer

Kimberly said...

I am so proud to hear Matthew is taking good care of you... Hang in there you will make it.