Sunday, October 5, 2008

PT sucks

Matt failed his PT test, which means he has to do PT twice a day now. Which wouldnt be such a big deal if he could do it on the base we live on, but he has to drive 45 minutes there and 45 minutes back 2 times a day and he does PT for 2 hours each time. So this takes almost 6 hours out of his day. And on days he works he has to go to work almost 4 hours early to do
PT. That means he is gone for 16-17 hours on the days he works and 6 hours on the days he doesnt work. It also puts him driving almost 600 miles a week. Yeah i know, thats alot of math.

We are number 32 on the housing list and i am praying that the list moves along pretty fast. Especially since Matt will be using 2 tanks of gas a week to get back and forth to work and PT. A bunch of people deploy in a few weeks and we are hoping some houses open then up then because alot of those wives will move back home when their husbands deploy.

And congratualtions to my friend Valerie who just found out she is pregnant with her second child!

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