Friday, July 24, 2009

Landon Blake Boettcher

sorry the quality of isnt great. i couldnt get the scanner to work, so i just took pictures of the origional pictures. ill go to walmart and scan them this weekend and get better ones up asap.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Picture Time

20 weeks and 4 days.
i put some ultrasound pictures on my facebook...the quality is horrible but you can still see him.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

feelin better

after 5 days in bed im finally starting to feel better. my nose hurts from blowing it 5 million times but atleast i can breathe again. my fever broke last night, thank goodness. unfortuantely matt wasnt feeling so good last night, so hopefully he isnt getting it too.

and for those of you who havent heard, we picked a name for the baby...landon blake.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

light at the end of the tunnel

i took some sudafed and started feeling a little better. i managed to eat some scrambled eggs and toast.

worst night ever

last night was terrible. there was very little sleeping involved, for both me and matt. several times my temperature got up to almost 102. once i even had to take a cold shower to get it down. tylenol would help for a little while, but about 2 hours later it would wear off and the fever would be back. i managed to keep it under control enough that we didnt have to go to the emergency room (im not supposed to let my temp get above 100.5). it hasnt gotten above 100 today so thats good. but i cant keep food down so we may end up back at the doctor anyway before this is through.

Monday, July 20, 2009


well, i have a viral infection. which im pretty sure is just a fancy doctor way of saying a cold. not that the doctor would know considering he didnt examine me at all during my appointment. he didnt listen to my lungs or look in my ears or anything. he basically just told me i have to suffer. he doesnt prescribe medicine to pregnant women. unfortunately there were no appointments available with my regular doctor, who im sure would have been happy to give me sudafed or something. as of now my chest is burning, im coughing so much it makes me throw up, my throat hurts, my nose is running, i have a headache and i have a fever. of course i didnt have a fever when i went to the doctor. but it has been staying around 99.7 all day. the list of pregnancy approved medicines i have says i can take sudafed, so i may go get some anyway. my sweet husband was able to stay home from work with me today since the doctor did suggest partial bedrest...only getting up to eat, go to the bathroom and shower. i think he enjoyed it, i slept pretty much all day so he played video games and relaxed. i only sent him out once to get crackers and 7up. unfortunately i dont think they will let him stay home until i get better lol.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

not feeling well.

It has been a very busy week and i am not feeling well at all. At first it started out as just tightness in my chest, so i assumed my asthma was acting up. But i used all my inhalers and its been about a week now and it seems to only be getting worse, ive been coughing all day. Hopefully i can get to the doctor on monday.

I have also been getting really dizzy if i stand up for more than 10 minutes at a time. Did anyone else have this problem when they were pregnant? I can barely make it through a trip to walmart without sitting down or feeling like im going to pass out. I thought it might be my blood pressure, so i bought a monitor and ive been checking it and it has been normal.

Anyway i think im gunna get the vicks shower stuff and take a shower, hopefully thatll help me breathe!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Its a boy!

i will try to get ultrasound pictures on here sometime today but if you want one printed let me know.

Friday, July 10, 2009


in my last post i said we get to find out the babys sex on tuesday...i was wrong it is actually monday morning at 8am.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

long week

i got back from texas last monday, and then my grandma and cousin came to visit on wednesday and have been here for a week. thanks to my amazing husband i came home to a spotless house, so i didnt have to worry about cleaning before they got here. we have had an awesome week with them and will be sad to see them go tonight.

i had my 18 week doctors appointment last week, she said everything looks good and we will be able to have our ultrasound and hopefully find out the sex next tuesday.

we will have just enough time to recover from this round of family visitng before my aunt will be here on august 7th. she will be staying a little over a week and is coming to help out when matt has his surgery on august 11th. we deffinately have had no shortage of visitors since we moved here!